Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Anxiety & Panic Attacks Therapy

Anxiety can impact our daily lives in all kinds of ways and make things feel like hard work but know this, everything comes from somewhere and this fear, this anxiety, is your unconsciousness mind trying to keep you safe. So our work, is to discover what happened in your past that is creating this response to repeat, you don’t even need to consciously know because your unconscious mind already does. To anyone struggling with anxiety or panic attacks, know that life can change, that things can be different, that you can feel calm, relaxed and enjoy life. .

Signs of living with anxiety

  • Feeling on edge and fearful

  • Feeling a lot of fatigue

  • Feel unsafe in the world

  • Health anxiety

  • Feeling nervous, restless or tense.

  • Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom.

  • Having an increased heart rate.

  • Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)

  • Sweating.

  • Trembling.

  • Feeling weak or tired.

  • Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry

Benefits from Cognitive Hypnotherapy & Coaching

  • Understanding why you are feeling anxious and where it comes from.

  • Feeling calmer and more relaxed day to day.

  • Able to do more things.

  • Feeling more confident within yourself.

  • Knowing you can manage your own feelings.

  • Life starting to expand.

  • Feeling more positive and peaceful.

  • Able to enjoy life more.

You can do hard things in this world. No matter where you are starting from, trust and know that change is possible and you are so worthy of that change.

A issue of our times affecting a large majority of children and adults. Anxiety can affect us all in different ways and can be quite debilitating for some individuals. Hypnotherapy is incredibly effective at transforming anxiety and calming your nervous system. This happens both in the session and at home with exercises and guided hypnosis to listen to. The majority of people who come to me struggle with anxiety on some level. I am confident the sessions will allow you to be more calm and peaceful.

This is probably the most prevalent issue of our times affecting a large majority of children and adults. Anxiety can affect us all in different ways and can be quite debilitating for some individuals. Hypnotherapy is incredibly effective at transforming anxiety and calming your nervous system. This happens both in the session and at home with exercises and guided hypnosis to listen to. The majority of people who come to me struggle with anxiety on some level. I am confident the sessions will allow you to be more calm and peaceful.